Daha Dun Annemizin Kollarinda
Daha dun annemizin
kollarιnda yaşarken
Çiçekli bahçemizin
Yollarιnda koşarken
Şimdi okullu olduk
Sιnιflarι dordulduk
Sevinçliyiz hepimiz
yaşasιn okulumuz.
Yesterday on Mom’s Shoulders
It’s like yesterday,
We depended on mom (for everything)
We used run around
Our flower garden
Now we grew to be students
We filled the classrooms
We are so happy
Long live our school!
![This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is dinolingo-logo-mascot-square-2.png](png/dinolingo-logo-mascot-square-2.png)
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